Rotorua and the Stench

20151030_13125820151030_13334620151030_144100Think of Seafield sewage works heated to boiling point.  Add a tangy edge of battery acid, a chicken shed full of sick hens, a ramblers quota of walking boots, a dead rotting whale, a room of wet dogs and a male changing room bursting with moist socks and pants and you might start to come close to experiencing the lasting scent of the bellowing sulphur air that envelops the small town of Rotorua.2015-10-29 17.33.15There is a stench here worthy of an Orcs toilet just waiting to be inhaled with each gust of wind. The thermal vents release this stench from the bowels of the earth causing nasal assault that one might become inure to given enough exposure and intoxication. The locals don’t seem to be able to detect this heady mixture I however am seeking a gas mask on eBay!20151030_14405220151030_13122220151030_131305On a positive note the sight of the thermal steam venting from the earth and the tropical vegetation and hot pools that bubble and spurt is thrilling and alien all at once to watch. It’s fascinating knowing that volcanic activity and pressure is the cause, but slightly concerning given the forces behind this attractive if smelly phenomenon.20151030_143341The lake that Rotorua sits upon is a circular crater framed by trees and lush green hills. The white sulphur rocks and flats look inhospitable in comparison to the lush redwood forest that are a short walk from town. I got very excited by the sheer scale of these giants.  Magen my room-mate, a Canadian girl living and working here literally had to pull me away from the trees such was my bewildered and excited state. Colette would more than likely have fainted at these big babies!  20151030_14283320151030_14322520151030_15101620151030_151124Today was great although it started hazy thanks to a delicious food market and a fabulous wine maker called Maurice.  This man is quite possibly a God of the vine…let’s just say I’m considering getting a container of his finest rhubarb wine shipped home! I’m certain the thermal vents are wholeheartedly responsible for my headache and fuzzy start to the day.  It can’t possibly be an overdose of grapes! Thanks Maurice! 20151029_19554420151029_190536


  1. Nikki · Dec 11, 2015

    mwahahaha worked out how to drive this site now 🙂 GREAT and I mean FANTASTIC description of the smell of Rotorua. True bro, Rotovegas. Also known as “What’s that stink bro?”

    • Sharon Gallagher · Dec 11, 2015

      Lol cheers it was quite bad! I miss your baking! I’m going to send you a French boy called Nico at some point.

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